Ignite! Updates Corner

This past Monday we had a Jon Moffat from Cyber Education Services come and talk to us about being smart when we use social media. After sharing a meal together, we went upstairs and had a hilarious and informative presentation on how social media can be a good tool and ways it can be a bad tool. Jon even showed us how he was able to look at our individual social media profiles and what they showed about us as Christians. We were happy to hear that many of our profiles reflected good Christian morals and behavior. I know the parents that attended were a little freaked but it made them feel better to know that kids at STM are not the average kid. Reminder that auditions for our Christmas Program are being held Sunday, November 19, at 2:00pm. Ignite! Tomorrow: See you Monday, November 20, 6:30- 8:30pm for games and dinner on the Parish Center Lower Level! —Tilly Rudolph tillyr@stmoside.org