Keep God in Thanksgiving

Every December, we hear much talk of “keeping Christ in Christmas.” But sometimes in the national discussion of Thanksgiving here in the United States, we talk about being thankful but at times leave out God as the source of all. Good stewards never miss an opportunity to thank our loving God. Here are a few thoughts for keeping God in Thanksgiving.

† Many Parishes see as many people attend Mass on Thanksgiving Day as on holy days of obligation. Make sure you’re in the crowd, and bring your kids to Mass to say “thank you” to God on this special day.

† Food banks and shelters need food all year long, but many launch special drives on Thanksgiving Day. Fill up your trunk with donations, and remain mindful that you are acting out of a spirit of gratitude to God.

† Make grace at your family feast especially memorable. Let people know ahead of time that they will be asked to name a person, a situation, an experience, for which they are grateful to a loving God.

† Make that phrase, “Thank God,” a little more frequent and sincere in your conversation. Don’t be afraid to use the language of a grateful steward.

† Set time aside to pray over some experience in your life that was difficult for you. Let God show you His presence in this moment and feel your heart respond with gratitude.

† Set aside another time in which you recall an experience of deep happiness and joy—the birth of a child, a special moment with a loved one, a gift you received that was beyond your expectation. Let God be with you in these moments and express your deep thankfulness.

—ICSC November 2017 Stewardship e-bulletin (with permission)

Prayerfully consider being in charge of a team at STM who will revive our Thanksgiving Dinner at the Parish for those who are alone or have nowhere else to spend Thanksgiving. This dinner has been a popular tradition here, but needs new energetic people to organize and provide this dinner in 2018. Call or email me at the contact information above to help!