Spirited Seniors Free Ice Cream Social

- 09/17/2019
- 12:00 am – 7:00 pm
- Parish Center (Lower Level) at St. Thomas More
1450 South Melrose Drive
Oceanside, CA 92056
Spirited Seniors Free Ice Cream Social
The Spirited Seniors are sponsoring the 8th Annual FREE ICE CREAM SOCIAL on Tuesday, September 17, 5:30-7:00pm for members and prospective members who are 50 years and older. Don’t miss your chance to take part in this free event! Place your reservation request, including your name(s), phone number, and whether you need a non-dairy alternative, in an envelope addressed to “Spirited Seniors,” in the weekend offertory, or Box 12 in the Parish Office. The deadline for reservations is noon on Wednesday September 11. If you have questions, or wish to register by phone or e-mail, contact Jim and Marilyn Day at 760-509-4545 or jandmday@cox.net.