Click on Offertory Collection below and use the one-time giving option or create an account so that you can set up recurring donations and make changes as needed. Thank you!
Click on All Giving Opportunities below if you would like to review and contribute to additional giving categories. Thank you!
Click on Pay Faith Formation/Religious Education Fees below if you would like to review and pay fees for Faith Formation Classes and Activities. Thank you!
Pay Faith Formation/Religious Education Fees
Below are quick links to some of our current special collections, in case you wish to focus on just one of these.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Ron Briseno, Business Manager & Director of Development at 760-758-4100 x104 or Email
Fundraise while you shop–below are links to various fundraising programs in which St. Thomas More participates.
A percentage of every dollar you spend is donated to STM.
A percentage of each gift card purchased through the Scrip Program is donated to STM.
For your convenience, you can call in (760-758-4100 x159) or email (email Scrip) your order, then pick it up and pay for it on Wednesdays, 10:00am-12:00pm at the Parish Office.
You can also set up an account online to purchase Scrip. Click on the image below to find out more and get started.

You may also review the entire Scrip List to see all the choices before ordering.
Ralphs and Food4Less Community Rewards Program
If you have rewards cards for Ralph’s and/or Food 4 Less, you can link them to St. Thomas More, and a percentage of your purchases will be donated to STM. These need to be relinked each year during August or September.
Link or Re-Link Online
Go to and/or
Click on Sign In or Register (if you need to register, you may need to confirm your registration according to the instructions before proceeding)
Click on My Account
Scroll down to Community Rewards
Link to 83166 Church of St. Thomas More
Link or Re-Link at the Store
Download a form to use at the store
Giving Assistant
Shop online at thousands of stores, and a percentage will be returned to
St. Thomas More.
Join with email or Facebook. Google Chrome or Safari recommended.
Click on the image to get started.

Below are quick links to our “Did You Know?” Campaign, our Special “Ops” Projects, and our Seasons Capital Campaign, in case you wish to focus on just one of these.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Ron Briseno, Business Manager & Director of Development at 760-758-4100 x104 or Email