The Stewardship Coordinator organizes and directs efforts to involve volunteers in the Parish ministries, working to ensure the best match of Parish and community needs with our volunteer capabilities. The goal for this team is to make sure all ministries have sufficient people to serve their needs.
“St. Thomas More: A Parish for All Seasons”
We are happy to announce that our parish is moving into a new season of its life as we continue our journey of faith.
It is time to move forward to continue our Parish Build-Out with the completion of our Parish Offices and the creation of our Memorial Garden.
See the links below for updates and information.
Additional Information
Organizes and directs volunteer efforts in our Parish programs and services.
Time Requirement:
Varies based on the need (approx. 1-5 hours per month).
Contact Information:
Ron Briseno
Phone: (760) 758-4100 x104