Catholic Widows and Widowers of North County (CWWNC) is a group of Catholic women and men whose spouses are deceased. Our active calendar includes dining, dancing, tours, an annual picnic theater, card games, bowling, miniature golf, and hiking.
Membership is currently 170 from 12 Parishes in North County. Our general meeting/potluck is usually the second Sunday of the month at 2:00pm. Our communal Mass is on the fourth Sunday of the month at various churches.
December is our annual Christmas Dinner Dance. We support a crisis pregnancy center and provide toiletries for the homeless annually.
The annual membership dues are $30. Prospective members can view our monthly calendar of events and can attend 2-3 events prior to joining. Members can pick and choose their favorite events which are held in various locations within North County.
Additional Information
Promotes peer group support through social and spiritual activities.
Time Requirement:
Contact Information:
Carol Kope
Phone: (760) 758-4100 x201