Presentation on Memory Changes: Age-Related or Dementia?

- 07/30/2019
- 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
- Parish Center (Lower Level) at St. Thomas More
1450 South Melrose Drive
Oceanside, CA 92056
Presentation on Memory Changes: Age-Related or Dementia?
On Tuesday, July 30, at 7:00pm in the Parish Center Lower Level, the Mental Health Ministry will present Amy Abrams, Director of Education for the Alzheimer’s Association of San Diego. She will address the following questions: What are the differences in memory changes between those that are age-related and dementia? How can one seek an evaluation, find local resources for those living with Alzheimer’s, and get caregiver support? See us on the plaza after Mass or contact Penny at or Linda at You may call 760-758-4100 x158 to RSVP.