“St. Thomas More: A Parish For All Seasons”
We continue our journey through the month of November as we reflect upon Christian Stewardship, and reflect upon our Faith Community as a Parish for all seasons. Christian Stewardship is a way of living, living as Disciples of the Lord Jesus, and as a people who care and tend for each other. Last weekend, at all our Eucharistic Celebrations, Michael and Lia Haubert and family gave their “witness talk” about their journey with the Lord Jesus and St. Thomas More Parish.
They focused especially upon what attracted them to our Faith Community, and what motivates them to participate actively in the Parish. Our Stewardship Renewal Month reminds us of our interconnectedness, the web of relationship and community that gives meaning to life, in all the seasons of our lives. Christian Stewardship is not just about giving of time, talent, and treasure. It is also about receiving the gifts of time, talent, and treasure from others when the need arises in our lives.
This weekend, Doug D’Agrosa, our Parish Financial Liaison, will speak before all the Masses. Doug will introduce us to our new Parish endeavor to raise the necessary funds for our Parish build-out with the completion of our Parish Offices. He will remind us of the good work that Parishioners have done in the past and of the financial challenges that still lie ahead of us as we pay down our mortgage, maintain two buildings, and soon to have three buildings (Parish Center, Church, Parish Offices) to support!
This information will ask all of us to accept the challenge that is now before us. Our Parish buildings are important “tools” in our efforts to help us tend to ourselves and to others in all the seasons of our lives. We are all a part of the web of relationships, of the interconnectedness that gives meaning to life and helps us to be at peace.
Last week, Michael and Lia Haubert and family reminded us of the gift that our Parish is in helping us in all the seasons of our lives. Through your gifts of time, talent, and treasure, we will keep St. Thomas More Parish to be the vibrant Parish that it is. Your commitment to our new three-year endeavor, “St. Thomas More: A Parish For All Seasons,” will help us to move into the future on a stronger foothold. As Pastor, I am very grateful for your deep sense of stewardship for our Parish! For all that has been, “Thank You!” For all that will be, “Yes!”
— Fr. Mike