Preorder your t-shirt by contacting Deacon John or Madison Fredette email
This 23-year-old young woman, fleeing El Salvador, now has her legal papers allowing her to remain in the United States while seeking asylum. Catholic charities has provided her with two pro-bono lawyers, and a very generous family in our Parish has agreed to sponsor Maria Julia and welcome her into their home. Maria Julia and…
Dr. Sharon Hamill, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Faculty Director, CSU Institute for Palliative Care at CSUSM will be with us once again for Aging with Grace, Part III, on Saturday, May 25, 9:00am-12:00noon on the Parish Center Upper Level. This workshop will be about dealing with memory problems due to normal aging and signs of…
Have you concerns for the homeless? Are you aware of the homeless statistics for the Tri-City area? Do you wonder how the homeless are clothed and nourished? Have you wondered about affordable housing to ease the pain of homelessness? If your answer is yes to any of those questions, we invite you to a special…
On Sunday, December 10, St Thomas More’s Care for Creation Team will be going to Coastal Roots Farm, a local community farm that integrates biblical insights, traditional Jewish spirituality, and agricultural practices. Join us as we learn about how faith, food, agriculture, and the Earth intersect! To RSVP or for more information, please contact Eric…
Thank you to everyone who have started their Christmas shopping and have already brought goodies for the children and families in need! There are still a few Camp Pendleton Military families that need sponsoring. We have various size families to fit your budget! Please see a Christmas Angel representative on the plaza or contact Lisa…