This 23-year-old young woman, fleeing El Salvador, now has her legal papers allowing her to remain in the United States while seeking asylum. Catholic charities has provided her with two pro-bono lawyers, and a very generous family in our Parish has agreed to sponsor Maria Julia and welcome her into their home.
Maria Julia and her sponsors are going to need some help providing her with funds for living expenses, clothing, transportation, school fees and supplies, a tutor for math, an iPad, a cell phone, a simple allowance, and legal fees not covered by Catholic Charities, to name a few examples. Volunteers are needed to provide transportation to appointments. Also, tutors will be needed to help with general education and language skills. Two people are needed to coordinate and manage donations.
Questions? Please contact Sr. Maureen Brown at 760-758-4100 x131.
We will be on the plaza after Masses this weekend and next.
Thank you for your support and prayers!