What is on the horizon in terms of construction as we now are collecting funds from our “St. Thomas More: A Parish For All Seasons” Capital Campaign?
- Solar Panels in our parking lot and on the roof of the Parish Center. We have entered into a contract in which there is no cost to us. The sale of electricity will cover this cost and save us close to 10% on our electric bill. Construction on this project has already begun.
- The Mosaic, “Jesus, Divine Redeemer and Master of the Universe,” which is 16.7’ in height and 28’ in width will be erected in our Memorial Garden, near the present Labyrinth. There are three panels (at $5,000/panel) that still need to be sponsored.
- Work on the Memorial Garden which will include the names of all who have given to the STM Capital Campaigns over the years will begin.
- Parishioner Brian Leahey, will oversee the construction/completion of the Parish Offices. This will be a “step by step” process and each step will be completed dependent upon the income from our “Seasons” Capital Campaign.
- We are waiting for the artist to complete the bronze Stations of the Cross which will be erected in the Prayer Garden on the north side of the Church.
- Your pledge/donation to the Seasons Capital Campaign helps to cover our monthly mortgage payment of $45,000 to the National Office of the Knights of Columbus.
- Your pledge/donation to the Seasons Capital Campaign also covers the monthly payment to the Diocese of San Diego for the loan that was given to us for our final payment to the contractors who built our Church.
The next few years will continue to be exciting as we complete these projects and bring all of our initial plans to completion.
Your continued support is much needed and appreciated! If you haven’t made your pledge yet to the Seasons Campaign, please do so at your earliest convenience.