Catholic Faith Information
An opportunity for children to partake in our Faith Formation program with preparation for the holy sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Holy Eucharist and Confirmation.
Order of Christian
Initiation of Children
OCIC is a program developed for children ages 7 and older who have not yet been baptized, or for older youth who missed receiving their First Holy Communion at the typical age
Order of Christian
Initiation of Adults
This is for adults who have been baptized in a Catholic Church, have received their First Holy Communion, and are now seeking to celebrate their Confirmation at an age that is later than the usual age for Confirmation
Order of Christian
Initiation of Adults
Who is OCIA for?
- Non-Catholics who want to find out more about the Catholic Faith
- Those who want to join the Catholic Church through Baptism, or Profession of Faith
- Those who were baptized Catholic as infants but never received religious education, Confirmation, or First Eucharist.