Dear Parishioners of St. Thomas More,
God has granted us another year, another opportunity to build the Kingdom!
Let us set our hearts on doing God’s will in 2024.
May it be a time of new beginnings: restored friendships, forgiven trespasses, new attempts at holiness, and above all, a year of peace. May we be blessed to be called children of God, as the Beatitudes name peacemakers. Let us make peace in our families, in our neighborhoods, at work, at school, in our nation.
Most importantly, may our efforts for peace transform our prayer lives, so that our energies and intentions may reach to all parts of the world—to our brothers and sisters (no matter what side they’re on) who do not have peace in their lives right now. In this way, may we be active in ‘making God’s kingdom come, God’s will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.’
I have every confidence in you, my flock, that you will turn your hearts completely over to Jesus and his intentions. May he lavishly bathe us with a double portion of the Holy Spirit, so that we may have the strength and the will to do his work in the world.
May God bless you richly in the New Year!
In Christ,
Fr. Brent