The new year has gotten off to a good start. We celebrated well Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, and Tết. People were generous with their time, treasure, and talent. We all deserve a round of applause and a pat on the back.
But some have labored in the vineyard a little harder than the rest. They are too modest to toot their own horns, so I’m here to do it for them. I’m writing about our Staff here at St. Thomas More, who go above and beyond what is asked of them, and put in work that often cannot be quantified in terms of hours or salary. Without these members of our Parish, our celebrations would fall flat, our activities would be drudgery, and we would plod along joylessly— having to do all the work by ourselves—work that we had no idea was being done, because the Staff makes it all seem so effortless.
I have asked for an envelope to be attached to this weekend’s bulletin, so that we as a Parish (and you as individuals) may show your thanks and appreciation in a monetary way for our Staff and their efforts. Any amount is appreciated, and the Staff get a big boost in their spirits as they realize that their work is truly appreciated.
Please take a minute and say thank you to these often unrecognized workers.
May God bless you,
Fr. Brent