Made One through Baptism with the Risen Lord
- Andrew Abelson
- Dominick Acquista
- Lola Acquista
- Emma Anlle
- Phinneas Beckman
- Amanda Burzell
- Bodie Callahan
- Vivianna Chavarria
- Elijah Cox
- John Croes
- Mackenzie Dean
- Emma Del Vecchio
- Charles Denning
- Samuel Denning
- Jack Donovan
- Scarlet Egan
- Thomas Era!
- Hannah Franklin
- Gabriel Goeltz
- Ava Hernandez
- Serena Layoun
- Raymond Leyba III
- Frank Li Volsi
- Kicran Marlaire
- Abigail Moore
- Kai Morenle
- Van Phinney
- Vera Ramirez
- Katie Rasmon
- Coll Rieman
- Isabel Spencer
- Alice Stechschulte
- August Wojcik
- Lucia Wolcolt
Initiated into the Catholic Faith at the Easter Vigil
- Sterling Fiore
- Johnny Mills
Blessed by the Sacrament of Marriage
- Susan Cable Farrar and Richard Antle
- Nicole Jacobson and Gregg AcqLtista
- Jennifer Todd and Nicholas Dawson
- A11gelaP etru;;,__zelalan d Adriru1 DcPaolo
- Latrra Pacior ek and Stonu Gloor
- Mauree n Devlin and Nick Kroll
- WrrH~ THIS ‘-LLJE!N..©.
- Abbie Berry and Jeffrey Nickel
- Abby Dil s and Adam Way
In Honor and Memory of Those Who Have Died
- Paul Cassidy
- Marilyn Clarke
- Brenda Cob ian
- Elaine C0Uj11s
- Florence Crull
- William Daniels JU
- Constantino Def ranco
- Donna Doherty
- Larry Eaks
- Diantha Esch
- Robert Falconer
- George Falkenste in
- Margare t Garrett
- David Grieg
- Skjp Hayden
- Lillian Herkert
- William Hokama
- Robert Jaco bson
- Gloria Jaime
- Judith Janousek
- Stephen Koonce
- Mary Louise Kranz
- Bernie Lanzrath
- Raymond Malino wski
- llichard McGeary
- Daniel McKean
- Josephine Nelson
- Arlene Noles
- Maria Olivier
- ltalo Peveri
- Douglass Price-Williams
- Joan Rosa
- Rita Ross
- Doro thy Rouse
- Katherine Salter
- Maurine Shauglrnessy
- David Sheehan
- Fred Spiegl
- David Sweet
- Paul West
- Enos WillirullS