Solar Project Parking Update for the First Weekend of December:
The construction for the solar project, which includes the installation of car ports in the parking lot, got underway this week. As a result, a good portion of the parking lot is fenced off and is not available for parking.
Because of the rain this week, the upper parking lot is not available for parking either. As a result we will need to use overflow parking in the shopping center across the street (near old Ralphs/Walgreens).
The Knights of Columbus have generously offered to help direct traffic in the church parking lot and transport people back and forth to the church by way of mini vans. The vans should be available for the 5:00pm, 8:30am, and 10:30am Masses.
If at all possible, please park across the street, leaving the parking spaces in the Parish parking lot open for those Parishioners who might have a little more difficulty getting around. Your help with this is greatly appreciated.
We are assured that the parking lot will be fully available for the weekend of December 22/23 and the Christmas Masses (if not sooner).
Thank you for your patience while we work to improve our Parish.