St. Bonaventure Clothing Drive
Saturday November 13, 4:00-5:00 pm,
Sunday November 14, before all Masses
The clothing drive for St. Bonaventure Mission will return to a two-day format this year. Please bring items at the indicated times beginning an hour before Masses on Saturday and Sunday. Please don’t bring items early or late as we do not have storage capacity nor manpower. It will be on a drive-by basis where our Knights of Columbus will offload your donations from your vehicle. COVID-19 safety precautions will be practiced! Clothing for people of all ages and sizes are desperately needed. We particularly need coats, jackets, shoes (no heels please), boots, blankets, quilts, and comforters. My personal thanks to the Knights who assist us every year!! Any questions, please contact Gene Gemperline at
Thank you and GOD BLESS! —Deacon Tom