STM Is on the Move Again–Mass Moves Back Outside

My Dear Friends,
Due to the updated County COVID-19 Directives issued in the last day or two, STM is on the move again!
Beginning this weekend, all Masses (Weekend, Daily, Funerals, Weddings, and Baptisms) with more than 10 people will be outside on the plaza.
Masks will be needed; spatial distancing will be required; temperatures will be taken; reservations for Weekend Masses will continue to be required.
Watch for any announcements from the Parish regarding outdoor Masses/Services as we move forward.
Thank you for your cooperation! Let’s all remain flexible, positive, and supportive…
We continue to walk by faith, not by sight!
“Take Care!” “Hang Tough!” “Stay Sweet!”
–Fr. Mike
P.S. If you would like to receive text messages with updates about Mass location/schedule changes, please text STMOSIDE to 84576. This text group will only be used for Mass location/schedule updates, such as changes due to rain or regulation updates.