Pastor’s Column

  • The Tiger and the Goats

    The Tiger and the Goats

    A starving and pregnant tigress comes upon a flock of goats and pounces on them with such fervor that she brings about the birth of her little one, as well as her own death. The goats scatter, but soon come back to find the newborn tiger by the side of the dead mother. The goats…

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  • Nothing Less than All of You Is What I Want

    Nothing Less than All of You Is What I Want

    This Wednesday, January 31, 2018, marks the 43rd anniversary of my Ordination to the Priesthood. I give thanks to God for the gift of my vocation and God’s willingness to allow me to share in the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. I pray for continued strength as I head into “the home stretch.” I am so…

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  • Wasted Pain

    Wasted Pain

    I share with you a favorite prayer of mine written and prayed by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen. The prayer is directed to Jesus. What draws me to this prayer is the connection the Bishop makes between everyday life and the Eucharist. When one makes this connection, the Mass comes alive. The Mass is no longer people…

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  • For a Holy Heart

    For a Holy Heart

    Our Parish Patron, Thomas More, was a man of letters and penned much in the way of books and prayers. Here is his short, but profound prayer for a holy heart: Lord, grant me a holy heart                                 that sees what is always fine and pure                                 and is not frightened at the…

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  • I Have Learned How to Dance!

    I Have Learned How to Dance!

    The last few months have been a real struggle for me. I have been “away” from the Parish since August 1. What I thought would be a two to three month event is turning into a six month happening. I was originally scheduled for surgery on September 12. A few days before surgery, during my…

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  • Give Your Agenda to God

    Give Your Agenda to God

    As we end 2017 and begin 2018, I share with you thoughts from Fr. Henri Nouwen. May his words be a source of strength and direction for you as we all move along the continuum of time and space! Give Your Agenda to God You are very concerned with making the right choices about your…

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  • Come Home for Christmas

    Come Home for Christmas

    We hear much about “coming home” for the holidays. My Christmas greetings and prayers for you and yours are contained in these words from Fr. Henri Nouwen: Coming Home There are two realities to which you must cling. First, God has promised that you will receive the love you have been searching for. And second,…

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  • Birth–The Visited Planet

    Birth–The Visited Planet

      The God of power, as he did ride In his majestick robes of glorie Resolved to light; and so one day He did descend, undressing all the way. —George Herbert   December 24, 2017: This year it is a quaint day in our Church Calendar! In the morning, we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of…

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  • The Holiday Season

    The Holiday Season

    Recently, a friend of mine went to the Post Office to buy stamps. He said, “I would like some religious Christmas stamps.” The clerk queried, “Oh, do you want Hanukkah or Kwanzaa stamps?” A bit dumb-founded, my friend asked again, “I want religious Christmas stamps!” The clerk then responded, “Oh, so you want Christian Christmas…

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  • The Sacrament of Reconciliation–God’s Unconditional Love for Us!

    The Sacrament of Reconciliation–God’s Unconditional Love for Us!

    In recent years, a name change has taken place with the “Sacrament of Confession.” We no longer call the act “Confession,” but rather “Reconciliation” and/or “Penance.” This name change better reflects what happens in this celebration. We do not go to the priest just to list our sins, have them forgiven, and receive a penance;…

    Read more: The Sacrament of Reconciliation–God’s Unconditional Love for Us!