This weekend we celebrate the National Holiday of Father’s Day. In honor of this day, I share with you a variety of quotes about fathers. Some are serious and sincere, some are in jest, and some are painfully true. All are meant to call attention to fatherhood, its importance, and to encourage all men to…
It has been reported that there is a species of fish that lives in the waters off the South American continent that has the ability, with its one set of eyes, to see in two directions—up and down—at the same time. As it makes its way through the water, it, simultaneously, looks down into the…
Last Sunday, I spent 96 very powerful minutes watching the movie, “Pope Francis: A Man of His Word.” During the showing of the movie, you could hear a pin drop in the theater. The movie is showing in a number of theaters at the present time. I would encourage everyone to take a bit of…
Catholic Climate Covenant launched a new nationwide campaign, “Catholics Are Still In,” to garner the U.S. Catholic Community’s support for climate action. With their partners, they developed the “U.S. Catholic Climate Declaration,” which expresses the Catholic imperative to protect and promote human life and human dignity, especially among the poorest and most vulnerable peoples, by…
When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each…
This Sunday Bishop McElroy is with us to lead us in the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation as a number of our young Parishioners are receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. In years past as I watched him impart the Holy Spirit: “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit,” I am…
We began our “Seasons” Campaign on January 1, 2018. This is a three-year effort to raise $3,300,000 to complete the build-out of our Parish. The money raised will be directed in these ways: 36 monthly mortgage payments to the National Office of the Knights of Columbus ($44,806.21/month). We are in the third year of a…
Download the Newsletter This newsletter is issued periodically for the Faith Formation families, but we thought everyone would enjoy seeing what our children and young people are up to at STM. Click on the image above to download and read the entire 4-page document. If you download the document, you will be able to click…
In and through the ministry of Jesus, we have come to know that our God, the Creator of all that is, desires to be in relationship with us. The Holy One wants to be our friend! As we are all aware in our human relationships and friendships, we must take time on a regular basis…
Congratulations to those who celebrated First Communion on April 22 at the 10:30am Mass. PHOTOS