
  • Attention Christmas Angels!

    Thank you to everyone who have started their Christmas shopping and have already brought goodies for the children and families in need! There are still a few Camp Pendleton Military families that need sponsoring. We have various size families to fit your budget! Please see a Christmas Angel representative on the plaza or contact Lisa…

    Read more: Attention Christmas Angels!
  • Thanksgiving Pies

    It’s that time again…the time we celebrate our thankfulness by an annual feast. Some, however, have little with which to celebrate. Brother Benno’s helps with its annual Thanksgiving Feast…turkey and all the trimmings for a few hundred. For years STM has been the sole provider of dessert. Please help with your pumpkin or apple pies.…

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  • Got Candy?

    If you have extra candy from Halloween…or the kids have too much, please bring it to the Parish Office before November 20, and we will make arrangements to have it sent across the border to Casa de los Pobres for the orphans and poor in Tijuana. It will be distributed by the Sisters as special…

    Read more: Got Candy?
  • Pray for our Deployed Military Members

    As a faith community let us pray for all who serve our country in these troubled times. We pray especially for those connected to our Parish who have been deployed: Gunnery Sgt. Fernando Andrade, Jr. Lt. Devon Czarzasty Major Branden M. Felker, USAF ET1 Patrick G. Felker, USN Grant Fischer 1st Lt. Eric Galamay MSGT…

    Read more: Pray for our Deployed Military Members
  • STM SCRIP News

    Buy Scrip gift cards after Masses on the weekend on the plaza, or Monday-Friday in the Parish Office, and a percentage of each card is returned to the Parish. You may also purchase Scrip online—visit for more info. Do you shop on Amazon? Use Amazon Smile and raise money for STM while you shop!…

    Read more: STM SCRIP News
  • Collection for National Needs

    The month of November has been designated for the Collection for National Needs, which supports the Black and Indian Missions, the Catholic Home Missions, the Catholic Communications Campaign, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, and the Catholic University of America. The envelopes that were attached to the bulletin recently may be returned any time this…

    Read more: Collection for National Needs
  • Frank Thompson and St. Bonaventure Mission

    Our ministry to St. Bonaventure Mission was initiated many years ago by former Parishioner Frank Thompson, who, even after he moved out of the area, continued to support our annual clothing and blanket drive. Frank died on November 2, and in lieu of flowers, asked that donations in his memory be made to St. Bonaventure…

    Read more: Frank Thompson and St. Bonaventure Mission
  • Welcome, Congratulations, and In Memorium

    Welcome New Parishioner Michael Todisco & Kira Skavinski & Family Congratulations to Bob & Glory Hartdegen who celebrate their 39th anniversary of marriage on November 23. Tom & Katie Padilla who celebrate their 4th anniversary of marriage on November 16. May God continue to bless your marriage, and may you be an inspiration to other…

    Read more: Welcome, Congratulations, and In Memorium
  • Fr. Mike Health Update

    The surgery went very well, and Fr. Mike is now in rehab, walking with a walker and doing physical therapy. He appreciates all your prayers—keep them coming!

    Read more: Fr. Mike Health Update
  • Parish Town Hall Meeting

    Please join us on Wednesday, November 29, at 7:00pm on the Parish Center Lower Level for a presentation on “St. Thomas More: A Parish For All Seasons,” our new three-year endeavor to continue our Parish build-out with the completion of our Parish Offices and the creation of our Memorial Garden. Please RSVP to Henny at…

    Read more: Parish Town Hall Meeting