Pastor’s Note Our faith encourages bodily discipline during Lent, in order to make our minds and souls pure. How does this work? It is more than just dieting, which has ourselves and our appearance as its primary focus. But if we willingly fast—that is, if we choose to and follow through with eating less for…
Pastor’s Note So, how’s your Lent going? Are you praying regularly? Do you fast with good intent? Are you giving alms with mercy? Not quite? Well, now is the moment to redirect your efforts and make this the Best Lent Ever, instead of the Lent that got away from you. Let’s concentrate on prayer. Are…
Pastor’s Note St Thomas More is committed to Social Justice and Stewardship. Right now, there are two major events in our world that need our attention and help: the earthquake in Turkey/Syria, and the war in Ukraine. I have asked for a special envelope to be attached to the bulletin, so that we can help…
Pastor’s Note Moses tells the people in the first reading, “Take no revenge and hold no grudge.” Well! He had certainly not been to the movies or watched any television. That’s all it is; revenge and grudges. And I fear that by immersing ourselves in a culture that treats these realities as entertainment, we come…
Pastor’s Note The very first line from today’s first reading hits us like a slap in the face: “You can follow the commandments if you want.” It only raises the question of whether we want to or not. It really is a question of the will; following through on what we know to be good…
The new year has gotten off to a good start. We celebrated well Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, and Tết. People were generous with their time, treasure, and talent. We all deserve a round of applause and a pat on the back. But some have labored in the vineyard a little harder than the rest. They are…